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Why I not use WordPress for this blog

Why I not use WordPress for this blog

Published: at 04:02

Yesterday, there was a blog post published at this URL, entitled “Why I now use WordPress for this blog”. Of course, it was an April fool’s joke. I am not using WordPress for this blog, nor do I plan to.

I’m using a static site generator, and I’m happy with it. Of course, I edit my Markdown files with an IDE, but I’m fine with that, and I’m free to write my posts with nano if I like. But the most important thing to me is that this website fits into a few MB, it’s fast and clear to read.

I can host it wherever I want, and I can move my Markdown content to another technology if I choose. Too many personal blogs involve big frameworks and many tools, for some requests per day/week/month. Not mine… KISS!